Thursday, September 29, 2011

Websites of Willow
This website answers many questions about cutting. Throughout the book Willow continuly hurt herself by cutting. This website puts out information to many different reasons people put their body through this.
This website gives more information about the teens perspective on cutting. It also provides you with more background. I wonder if Willow would have seen it, maybe she would have questioned what she was putting her body through.
This website gives a book review of Willow. Everything it says I completely agree with. It gives a good window into the book.
This is the actual blogspot for the book Willow. Julia Hoban talks throughout it. Also, it gives you many more facts about the book.
This website explains the book that meant so much to Willow. The Tempest is something that is shared between Willow and Guy. This brings them together on a whole new level.
This is a picture trailor of the book Willow. The pictures represent a good image of the characters. Also the songs help set the mood.
In this website teens explain their first love. These are people who went through similar emotions that Willow and Guy experienced.
This website explains orphans. This is something that Willow became after her parents both died in the car accident. This gives a better understanding to Willow's life.
This website give statistics on car accidents. While Willow was driving she got in to a very bad car wreck. From this she killed both of her parents.
This explains Willow's father's favorite book. Tristes Tropiques was the book that initally brought Guy and Willow together. In the library the first time Willow and Guy made a connection over a book.
This is the American Anthropological Association. I believe this is something Willow's parents would have joined. They were both very involved in anthropology, along with Willow and her brother.
This website gives more background on what anthropology is. Willow was very interested in this profession. This was another way her and Guy bonded.
This is an example of how anthropology is taught at a college. Willow's father was a professor at anthropology and I believe he would share some of the same views. Also, it gives a certain access to Willow's mind set.
One of the questions Willow asked herself was why the first mirror was invented. This question seemed pointless at first but when Guy answered it for Willow his answer was monumental. This website gives you more information.
This website talks about anorexia. Even though Willow did not suffer from this when a girl was discussed who had it, it hit home with her. This was one of the stepping stones to get Willow to quit cutting.
Julia Hoban was the author of Willow. This gives more information about the other books Julia has read. Also, information on how to get updates on her.
This gives you more information on how to contact Julia Hoban. Also, it leads you to more ways to get one of her books. It lists more than just Willow.
This is a place for other teens who cut to come and get help. These kids are relatable to Willow.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The new "twitter"

I started following Jack, Jacob, and Stevie.

It's obvious you don't really like English, but this blog was actually very well written. I think you might be better than you give yourself credit for. I think you'll start to like blogging after a couple of weeks. You always have a lot to say, so maybe this will be a good way for you to put your thoughts into focus. You said that you really liked the movie about this book. Which one was better? Does the movie completely ruin the book? Or does the movie do it justice? Also, you said it was a shorter book, that being one of the reasons you chose it, but will you choose a longer book next time? Keep it up Jack!

Your personality definitely comes through in this blog! It made me laugh so congrats on that. Do you think by the end of the year you'll actually start to like blogging? Or do you think your just a lost cause? You wrote this really well, so I think your future ones will be really good as well. Of course you would have to use "maximum effort to pass”. Something I think you could do if you try! Keep it up Jacob

Stevie this book seems really sad! I hope it has a happy ending like in a Disney movie or something. I liked the pictures you chose for the blog. Each picture helped me understand a little more about the book. Do you like the book so far? Is it something you would recommend for others to read? Finally, I really liked the pictures of the buildings in your blog. It's someplace I would want to hang out!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Picture Story

Willow uses these razors to cut herself.

Books are a huge part of Willow and her family's life.

Willow works at a library.

This is the action Willow resorts to, to avoid emotional pain.

Willow's parents died in a car crash while she was driving.

This is Willow's favorite book, which she gave to Guy to read.

Willow and Guy spend a lot of time together in the park.

Willow's older brother is a professor at the college.

Willow's parents died together in the car crash.

Willow loves the way Guy's hand feel when he embraces her.

Both of Willow's parents were anthropologists.

Willow use to use watercolors before her parents died.

Guy rows every morning.

Willow keeps her cutting a secret.

After Willow's and Guy's first kiss their relationship took a monumental leap.

Willow feels as if she is breaking up her brothers family.

After Willow saw an anorexic girl she started to see herself as others saw her.

Willow has a hard time connecting with her peers after the accident.

Willow felt lonely and isolated after the accident.

Book Cover.