Thursday, September 1, 2011

Picture Story

Willow uses these razors to cut herself.

Books are a huge part of Willow and her family's life.

Willow works at a library.

This is the action Willow resorts to, to avoid emotional pain.

Willow's parents died in a car crash while she was driving.

This is Willow's favorite book, which she gave to Guy to read.

Willow and Guy spend a lot of time together in the park.

Willow's older brother is a professor at the college.

Willow's parents died together in the car crash.

Willow loves the way Guy's hand feel when he embraces her.

Both of Willow's parents were anthropologists.

Willow use to use watercolors before her parents died.

Guy rows every morning.

Willow keeps her cutting a secret.

After Willow's and Guy's first kiss their relationship took a monumental leap.

Willow feels as if she is breaking up her brothers family.

After Willow saw an anorexic girl she started to see herself as others saw her.

Willow has a hard time connecting with her peers after the accident.

Willow felt lonely and isolated after the accident.

Book Cover.


  1. Macie, I'm very impressed with the pictures you were able to find to represent the book you read. At first glance at this book I didn't think i would be interested in it. It seemed, for lack of a better word, depressing. Your pictures really intrigued me though. After each picture i wanted to know what was going to happen next. I think this book is very relatable to students in high school. Good job with your picture collage, keep it up! -Simone

  2. Dear Macie,
    I must revoke everything I ever said about your writing. When I opened this blog I was prepared for an un-sentient like writing style. But then I saw. "Willow uses these razors to cut herself". This line really got through to me. Cutting is a very serious issue, and the way you addressed it in the very first picture in a very blatant fashion really showed me your writing chops. You are a female version of J.D. Salinger. You and Jacob Garwin also share a very contrasting writing style. His is more prose like and emotion filled, but yours is very linear and driven like a sturdy nail of truth. Your writing styles compliment each other in ways I (nor doctors and scientists) could not comprehend. I see love in your future. Write long and write well.
    yours honestly,
    Richard A. Ketter
