Thursday, October 27, 2011

I tell it like it is...

Jack I loved your animoto! You did a really good job of introducing the book without giving a whole plot summary. This is something I struggled with when I tried to make my own animoto. I know blogging is not your favorite assignment, but did you enjoy making this animoto? The music you picked seemed to go very well with the book you had picked. Both the music and the background seemed very exotic. Also, the pictures you chose to use flowed really well with everything else. Did you trick Jared in to being in this? If you did it worked out well. I liked how you used Carl who is French himself, and quite worldly. Coincidence?!? I hope I get to see more of these that you make!

In the famous words of Will Ferrel "Capture the Dream". If I could get a slow clap going for you right now I would Jacob! If your really set on fixing the problems you had last quarter, then capture that dream, and do it! For starters I would have to agree with the man who tore my hearts to shreds when he said I had no soul. You need to start capitalizig, and do some more gramatical things correct. Besides that though I love your charisma! I would agree with you that creativity is one of your strong points. However, you have so much of that creativity bouncing around in your little head of yours, it seems like it over powers your writing skills at times. This is not because it is bad at all, but at times it just get to busy. I love the fact that your creativity is so apparent in your writing though, it makes it much more appealing to read than others! Keep it up Jacob and "Capture the dream".

Stevie, I thought your first quarter blog was very well written. I'm surprised you didn't get a very good grade. Anyways, I'm glad you are more optimistic about this quarters blog. Are you excited to start following kids from another school? Do you think this will get you more interested in blogging? I agree with you that your links blog was very good. All of the links gave me a really good idea of what your book was about. I'm even thinking about reading it next semester. What book are you reading this quarter? Also, which one do you perfer?

1 comment:

  1. Macie, thank you for complimenting on my blog! I also believed you did really well on your first quarter blog. I understood you really liked you book so I continued to read your blog and I am actually reading your book now! I love it so far! My favorite book out of Willow and the previous book I read is Please Ignore Vera Dietz. How do you like the book? Which is your favorite so far? I'm very excited to start following the other school and I do believe it will get me more interested in blogging, what do you think?
